Name: Santosh Kumar Karmraj Pasi
Account Number: 000405015336
Account Type: Current Account
Branch: Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021
IFSC Code: ICIC0000004
UPI: pasi@icici
You can pay the full or part amount (during early bird and single transfer) by NEFT, IMPS, UPI, or cash deposit to the above bank account. In Remark, write "your first and last name" to identify your transaction; otherwise, it will be difficult to identify you and there will be a delay in sending confirmation.
Balance if any, can be paid to the same bank account or cash at the venue.
Once payment is done, kindly submit details to the enrollment page.
Live Trading Session:
Part Payment:Now you can pay Rs. 5900 to enroll for the classroom-based workshop (We will share tools and initial study materials) and pay the balance using NEFT or cash before the start of the workshop or at the venue.
Early Registration Benefits and Conditions:
We strongly recommend registering earlier (at least a couple of weeks) before the workshop and making sure to read all study materials, go through videos and attempt an online assessment.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteWhen is your training going to be.. venue details pls.
Nitin Sharma
mr pasi
ReplyDeletecan u pls let me know yr nxt training session?
can u pls let me know yr nxt training session?
ReplyDeleteDo u have any plan for training at CHENNAI?