Happy Independence Day

Wishing all a Very Happy Independence Day

On this occasion, I'm releasing updates to OptionsOracle tool.

ChangeLog to regular version of OptionsOracle:
  1. It does support Future now with limitation to current series.
  2. It does support OI Analysis (Showing Long Buildup, Short Buildup, Short Covering, etc) in Option Chain table. 
  3. We have updated Contact US to show relevant information.
  4. We have updated About, to thank friend "Pooja Verma". She has worked hard and supported in all possible way. 

ChangeLog to OpStrater version of OptionsOracle Advance:
  1. It does support Future now with limitation to current series.
  2. It does support OI Analysis (Showing Long Buildup, Short Buildup, Short Covering, etc) in Option Chain table. 
  3. We have updated Contact US to show relevant information.
  4. We have updated About, to thank friend "Pooja Verma". She has worked hard and supported in all possible way. 
  5. It does show column OI Analysis in "Strategy Positions".
  6. Graph is updated. So in case if you change date, it shows two lines. Dotted line represent chosen date status and Solid line for expiry status.
  7. Put Call Ratio graph shows MAX OI strikes in title.

Here are screenshot for regular OptionsOracle.

1. Showing Future price and OIAnalsis column.

2. Strategy Position showing support for "Long Future".

3. Regular P/L version Underlying graph on expiry.

4. Regular P/L version Underlying graph as of Today.

5. Put Call Ratio Graph showing value.

6. Regular Option Pain graph.

7. Updated Contact Us screen.

8. Updated About screen. Thanking my best friend Pooja Verma. She always worked behind the scene. Appreciate Pooja Verma for all your support.

Screenshot from OptionsOracle Advance that is packed along with OpStrater.

1. Showing Future price and OIAnalsis column.

2. Strategy Position showing support for "Long Future".

3. Regular P/L version Underlying graph on expiry.

4. Updated P/L version Underlying graph as of Today. Dotted line represent Today's P/L and solid line on Expiry.

5. Put Call Ratio Graph showing value. It also shows Max OI Strikes.

6. Regular Option Pain graph.

7. Updated Contact Us screen.

8. Updated About screen. Thanking my best friend Pooja Verma. She always worked behind the scene. Appreciate Pooja Verma for all your support.

To download, please visit following page:

1 comment:

  1. If you are searching to learn about the OptionsOracle tool, this is not a bad place at all. I congratulate you for organizing and posting this with so much instructional way. Cheers!!


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SEBI Registered Research Analyst Name: Santosh Kumar Karmraj Pasi

SEBI Research Analyst Registration No.: INH000009533

BSE Enlistment No.: 5554

Email: santoshpasi@yahoo.com

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